Articles in International Refereed Journals
- Street-Level Governing: Negotiating the State in Urban Turkey by Elise Massicard (book review), The Middle East Journal, 77(1), pp: 117-118
- (with Vivien Lowndes) “How Does Multi-Level Governance Create Capacity to Address Refugee Needs, and with What Limitations? An Analysis of Municipal Responses to Syrian Refugees in Istanbul”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 35(1), pp: 51-73, 2022 (online 2021),
- (with Vivien Lowndes) “How do Local Actors Interpret, Enact and Contest Policy? An Analysis of Local Government Responses to Meeting the Needs of Syrian Refugees in Turkey”, Local Government Studies, 48(3), pp: 555-569, 2022 (online 2020),
- “Religious Solidarity, Historical Mission and Moral Superiority: Construction of External and Internal ‘Others’ in AKP’s Discourses on Syrian Refugees”, Critical Discourse Studies, 15(5), pp: 500-516, 2018
- (With Ozlem Kayhan Pusane) “Technology and Politics: Have the ICTs Turned into a Domain for Civil-Military Relations in Turkey”, South European Society and Politics, 21(3), pp: 301-318, 2016
- (with Lawrence Pratchett) “Citizenship in the Age of the Internet: A Comparative Analysis of Britain and Turkey”, Citizenship Studies, 18(1), pp. 63-80, 2014
- (with Elif Cagli) “New Directions for Women’s Political Development in Turkey: Exploring the Implications of the Internet for Ka-der”, Information Polity, 19 (3-4), pp: 179-194, 2014.
- “Digital Exclusion in Turkey: A Policy Perspective”, Government Information Quarterly, 29(4), pp. 589-596, 2012
- “The 2007 Parliamentary Elections in Turkey: Between Securitization and Desecuritization”, Parliamentary Affairs, 62(1), pp. 129-148, 2009
- (with Bulent Aras) “From Conflict to Cooperation: Desecuritization of Turkey’s Relations with Syria and Iran”, Security Dialogue, 39(5), pp. 475-495, 2008
- “The Kurdish Issue: Can the AK Party Escape Securitization”, Insight Turkey, 10(3), pp. 75-86, 2008.
- (with Bulent Aras) “Turkey and the Middle East: Frontiers of the New Geographic Imagination”, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 61 (4), pp. 471-488, 2007
- (with Lawrence Pratchett and Melvin Wingfield) Local Democracy Online: An Analysis of Local Government Websites in England and Wales, International Journal of e-Government Research, 2 (3), pp. 75-92, 2006.
- “The Internet and Political Participation: Exploring the Explanatory Links”, European Journal of Communication, 20 (4), pp. 435-459, 2005
- “The Internet and Democratic Local Governance: The Context of Britain”, International Information and Library Review, 37 (2), pp. 87-97, 2005.
- The Internet, Local Participation and Democracy: An Institutionalist Approach, Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010.
Book Chapters
- (with Mete Yildiz) “A Critical Assessment of E-Government Practice in Turkey” in Z. Sobaci and M. Yildiz E-Devlet: Kamu Yonetimi ve Teknoloji Iliskisinde Guncel Gelismeler [e-Government: Recent Developments in Public Policy and Technology], Nobel Publishers, 2012, pp: 423-447 (in Turkish).
- “How Far away from the Politics of Fear: Turkey in the EU Accession Process” in Tunkrova, L. and Saradin P. (eds.) The Politics of EU Accession: Turkish Challenges and Central European Experiences, London: Routledge, 2010, pp. 58-71.(with Lawrence Pratchett) ‘e-Citizenship: Reconstructing the Public Online’ in Durose C., Greasley, S. and Richardson, L. (eds), Changing Local Governance, Changing Citizens? Bristol: Policy Press, 2009, pp. 193-209.
- (with Lawrence Pratchett and Melvin Wingfield) “Local Democracy Online: An Analysis of Local Government Websites in England and Wales” in Norris, D. (ed), E-Government Research: Policy and Management, University of Maryland: Baltimore County, USA, 2008, pp. 120-139.
- “From Securitization to Desecuritization? The Impact of the EU Membership Process on Political Culture in Turkey” in Tunkrova, L. and Saradin, P. (eds.) Turecko a Evropska Unie: Ceska a Turecka Perspektiva (Turkey and the European Union: Czech and Turkish Perspectives), Olomouc: Vydavatelstvi UP, 2007, pp. 109-127.“The Internet and Citizen Participation: Exploring the Barriers to Reform in the Context of UK Local Government” pp. 261-287 in Reynaert, H., Delwit, P., Steyvers, K., Pilet, J.B., (eds), Revolution or Renovation? Reforming Local Politics in Europe, Vanden Broele: Brugge, 2005, pp. 261-287.
Conference and Workshop Presentations
- Policy responses to Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkey and the UK: What role for local government? Paper for the 71st Annual Conference of Political Studies Association, Belfast, United Kingdom, March 2021.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetimler ve Suriyeli Mülteciler: Bir Çok Katmanlı Yönetişim Yaklaşımı [Local Government and Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Multi-Level Governance Approach], Ulusaldan Küresele Popülizm, Demokrasi ve Güvenlik Konferansı, Işık Üniversitesi, 10-11 December 2020.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) Shifting Responsibilities ‘Down’, ‘Up’ and ‘Out’: A Multi-Level Governance Approach to Understanding Turkey’s Refugee Policy, Paper presented at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRIS), University of Birmingham, 3 November 2020.
- A Critical Analysis of AKP’s Discourse on Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Religion, History and National Identity, Paper presented at the 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association, 22 September 2020.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) Local Responses to Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Multi-Level Governance Approach, paper presented at “Unpacking the Challenges & Possibilities for Migration Governance”,17-19 October 2019, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) How do Local Actors Interpret, Enact and Contest policy? Investigating Local Government Responses to Meeting the Needs of Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Paper presented at Centre for Ideology and Discourse Analysis, University of Essex, 16 October 2019.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) Local Responses to Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Multi-Level Governance Approach, paper presented at “Unpacking the Challenges & Possibilities for Migration Governance”, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 17-19 October 2019.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) How are local responses to Syrian Refugees in Turkey shaped by multiple and competing interpretations: A Multi-Level Governance Approach, Paper for Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches – 16th Annual IMISCOE Conference, Malmö University, Sweden, June 26-28, 2019.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) How are local responses to Syrian Refugees in Turkey shaped by multiple and competing interpretations within a multi-level context?, Paper for the 69th Annual Conference of Political Studies Association, Nottingham, United Kingdom, April 2019.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) Exploring the Local Dynamics of Refugee Policy Frames in Turkey, Paper presented at the workshop “Mixed Migration Flows and the Changing Dynamics of Migration Research”, Şehir University, Istanbul, 15 December 2018.
- (with Vivien Lowndes) Investigating the spatial dynamics of refugee policy frames in Turkey, Paper presented at the workshop “The framing of the ‘migration crisis’ cross-nationally: From problem definition to institutionalization (or not)”, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 4-5 October 2018.
- Claiming Moral Superiority: Construction of Internal and External ‘Others’ in AKP’s Discourses on Syrian Refugees, Paper presented at Centre for Ideology and Discourse Analysis, University of Essex, February, 2018.
- Historical Mission, National Pride and Moral Superiority: Construction of External and Internal ‘Others’ in AKP’s Discourses on Syrian Refugees, Paper presented at METU-Kent Workshop on Population Movements in/from the Eastern Mediterranean, University of Kent, November 2017.
- Discourses on Syrian Refugees in the Turkish Parliamentary Debates and Presidential Speeches, Paper presented at the Middle East and North Africa Research Cluster Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, May 2017.
- (with Ozlem Kayhan Pusane) How the Internet Has Turned into a Domain for Civil-Military Power Struggle in Turkey, Paper presented at the 73rd Midwest Political Studies Association Conference, Chicago, April 2015.
- (with Elif Cagli) The Internet and Women’s NGOs in Turkey: The case of Ka-der, Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of Political Studies Association, Cardiff, United Kingdom, April 2013.
- The Implications of the Arab Spring for Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East, International Conference on “Iran, Turkey and the Arab Spring: Foreign Policy towards Recent Developments in the Middle East”, University of Tehran, Center for Graduate Studies, May 2011.
- (with Lawrence Pratchett) Electronic Citizenship in Britain and Turkey: Rights, Responsibilities, Liberties, Paper presented at the 69th Annual National Conference of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, March 2011.
- (with Lawrence Pratchett) Citizenship in the Age of the Internet: A Comparative Analysis of Britain and Turkey, Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of Political Studies Association, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April 2010.
- The European Union as a Desecuritizer: Securitization and Desecuritization of Turkey’s Kurdish Question, Paper presented at the 58th Annual Conference of Political Studies Association, Swansea University, United Kingdom, April 2008.
- Constitutional Dimension of the Parliamentary Elections in Turkey, Paper presented at Strategic Research Center, Tehran, December 2007.
- Europeanization and Turkish Foreign Policy toward the Middle East: A process of desecuritization?, Paper presented at Middle Eastern Studies Association Annual Meeting, Montreál, Canada, November 2007.